Top Four Best SEO Tools For Small Businesses

Top Four Best SEO Tools for Small Businesses


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an important step for any small business thinking of improving there brand online visibility, therefore you need the best SEO tools for small businesses so that you can attract more customers, and grow its brand. Effectual best SEO tools for small businesses can ease up the complex procedure of optimizing your website and aid you achieve better search engine rankings.

Top 4 Best SEO Tools For Small Businesses

Here know the best SEO tools for your small businesses as follows: 

Google Keyword Planner

What is an SEO keyword?

 It’s an important word that is used as an index to online content. The terms that you use while making a Google search are also keywords. Short-tail keywords are seen as 1-2 highly searched words, whereas long-tail keywords are 3-5 words forming more of a phrase. Those articles that are shown on search result page one most likely used those keywords in their article headline and throughout their post. Therefore, before you write any piece of online content you should be using the best SEO tools for small businesses to help you do this research.

Google holds an SEO Keyword Research Tool known as Google Keyword Planner. This tool is free, but the sign-up procedure turns a lot of people away because it seems to be that you need to run an ad campaign first. Don’t worry, we hold the knowledge of this tool in a few quick and easy steps.

However, one of the causes is that this is one of the best SEO tools for small businesses to do keyword research because it will automatically populate other keyword ideas.

The keyword ideas you get here on Google are guaranteed to be an exact representation of what’s going on the platform apart from how deep the free insights go. When starting with Google, you won’t need to worry about the validity of a keyword.  


Secondly, we move to one of the SEO experts, Neil Patel. His website, ubersuggest, is one of our best free SEO keyword research tools. It gives the same results as Google’s Keyword Planner, but is more user-friendly additionally, you get proper search volumes. However, we use Keyword Planner to get a handful of keywords we selected and then bounce over to Ubersuggest to verify the search volumes. 

Google Analytics

This is one the amazingly best SEO tools for small businesses resource for anyone who has a website. In short, it can assist you in understanding who your audience is and how they find and interact with your page. In our opinion, this will be one of the most underrated SEO tools. Most small business owners know the importance of placing the Google Analytics pixel on their page, but they don’t understand how to read the data. Therefore we are here to guide and help you out. 

The understanding of the relationship between your audience demographics and content formation is very crucial to ensure your content is interesting and converting. Whether you are forming content for your social media accounts, blog, or email list, this Google tool for entrepreneurs is the ultimate benefit.

Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a must-have tool. As this Google tool gives insights that you can not get in Google Analytics. It assists you in monitoring your organic search rankings and is eventually your guide.

Having a good relationship with Google means managing your website to ensure your viewers and visitors have a good experience. This resource will recognize any errors such as missing links and 404 errors. But the major reason why we emphasize this SEO tool is to know exactly what keywords our audience is typing into Google to find us. 


Choosing the best SEO tools for small businesses can significantly impact your online success. By using these tools, we help you gain valuable insights, in optimizing your website, and eventually, we have the best Digital marketing strategies for local SEO, these tools give you the features and functionality you need to achieve your goals. So get in touch with Digitally360 who holds the proper knowledge of it and understands every single SEO tool for growing your business.

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